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Franciscan Cloisters

Savings Bank of Ravenna Foundation

RAVENNA (RA) | 2007-2010

The start of site works began with the consolidation of the foundations of the
dividing walls of a structure called Manica Lunga (long sleeve) with low-pressure
injections of expanding resin that significantly increased the ground bearing capacity.
The last major endeavour was the general restoration of the beautiful wooden ceilings.

  • Type: Public Work


Zona di raffinata bellezza e di silenzio, in pieno centro storico, ricorda al mondo la permanenza di Dante Alighieri nella città di Ravenna. Della cosiddetta "zona del silenzio" fanno parte i Chiostri Francescani, la Tomba di Dante, il Quadrarco di Braccioforte, la Basilica di San Francesco.. . .