Archdiocese of Ravenna and Cervia
RAVENNA (RA) | 1998-2001
The Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo erected by the gothic king Teodorico in 505, was originally used as a palatine church, an Arian place of worship. After the Byzantine reconquest in the middle of the 6th century and its consecration to the Orthodox cult, it was dedicated to St. Martin, Bishop of Tours. Since 1996 the Basilica has been included in the list of Italian heritage sites by UNESCO, under the “early Christian monuments of Ravenna” site.
Description of the works_ The monumental complex of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo is one of the characterizing points for Ravenna sightseeing itineraries. The functional recovery project carried out as part of the initiatives for the 2000 Jubilee year concerned the large monumental area between the Basilica, and the Palace of Theodoric returned to the city, also included a multipurpose hall, a welcoming reception center for pilgrims and a dining room overlooking the cloister. It was an overall intervention that has maintained its functionality in the following years and which is part of a program designed to welcome pilgrims and enhance the cultural and religious heritage of the city of Ravenna.
It was a complex intervention that could be divided into three sub-interventions:
Restoration of the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo
The restoration of the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo provided for:
restoration of elements of the monumental façade and of the counter-façade and in particular: cleaning of stone components, consolidation of the plaster, and restoration of the exposed brickwork;
construction of drains and transpiring flooring in the cloister walkway adjacent to the basilica to allow greater dehumidification of the walls of the basilica itself, which being at a lower altitude than the cloister suffers from the proximity to the wet ground;
cleaning of the columns, terracotta medallions modeled by the string-course band, frescoed rib vaults with tondo elements depicting Saints and stuccoes of the sub-arches;
restoration of the Chapel of St. Anthony belonging to the Baroque period;
restoration of the Chapel of the Ark of Sant’Apollinare;
restoration of the Chapel of the Sacred Heart.
Creation of the Mosaic Museum of the so-called “Palace of Theodoric”
The consolidation of the volume for the construction of the Mosaic Museum of the ” Theodoric Palace” provided for:
renovation of the 16th-century rectory next to the Basilica which is accessed via the ancient cloister;
consolidation of the columns and keys of the cloister that support the attic of the Museum;
consolidation of the Rectory’s floor;
consolidation of the vault of the right apse of the basilica below the museum’s floor;
construction of an industrial floor of the room to the right intended for the Museum.
Recovery of building volumes between the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo and the ” Theodoric Palace”
The renovation of the building volumes between the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo and the so-called ” Theodoric Palace” included the following:
renovation of the former Cinema Corso, intended for a 195-seat multipurpose hall
renovation of the cinema gallery for conference rooms;
construction of a reception centre for pilgrims with an adjoining 120-seat dining room;
creation of a service bookshop at the Basilica;
construction of an apartment for the custodian of the basilica complex.