Privacy Policy History - EDILTECNICA


The company was founded in 1945 at the end of the Second World War when two brothers, former Heads of CMC decided to open their own business together with an financial sibling. CICOGNANI COSTRUZIONI s.n.c was set up in 1946 and began activities related to building reconstruction through funds allocated by UNRRA and Marshall Plan. During the war, one of the two brothers had actively participated in the partisan struggle, saving the lives of many soldiers, thanks to which the company was introduced into the financing plan. The company worked mainly with individuals in rural areas. The market was mostly local, and linked to land and countryside. Towards the end of the 1950s, a conflict which arose between the two brothers made the elder brother divide their target market into two and thus grabbed the real estate developers of the beaches. In 1959, the other brother created an individual company with his children. In those years, the boom of the coastal strips seemed to have been bestowed to the older brother while the other continued with maintenance work on private and public buildings, always within the area. In 1978, the second generation began to get involved in the company. The first change was to try to introduce the company to the more affluent Ravenna clientele, the professionals and the new ruling class, remaining more and more tied to a perspective of restoration of the existing rather than new construction. Contemporaneously at the end of the 1970s, a channel to cemetery works opened up giving a different profile linked to the use of funeral furnishings. During one of the cyclical crises of the real estate market in 1983, the company linked to the shores business closed its doors. In the same period from 1985 to 1987, relationships with the market of affluent clients were established, and there was a shift to the sector of restoration specialization by the company, tapping pools of workers still linked to the traditional work style. In the meantime, the expansion of the industrial and hospital maintenance sector continued. Works were achieved including ENI Onshore sites until the qualification obtained in 1988 and allowed them to work with the ENI Petrochemical plants.

In the 1987 transition from the artisan to industrial dimension, a decision was made to set up a vertical consortium that put on track the various specialists of the entire supply chain like bricklayers, electricians and plumbers with a totally up-river vision for that era. But the consortia were organized in a horizontal way.

The company went through unscathed during the period of the Italian crisis in 1992 that struck the companies linked to the political circle. Despite the fact that the company had not been politically linked, it found itself having to face a slowdown affecting the entire sector, especially the public market. The field of reference returned to the mainly private projects on restorations, and for the public with the Facility Management, the integrated vertical consortium structure was always used.

In 1987, the consortium EDILTECNICA GLOBAL SERVICE was established. The clientele had a range which varied from the private sector to the industrial sector.

In 1996, EDILTECNICA launched the creation of a software for the planned management of maintenance. It was seen to be associated with maintenance work and the possibility of geo-referencing them. Thanks to this, the company won a prize with the fame acquired, Hera started to demonstrate its own interests. To facilitate the development in this field, new partners were brought in and the original presence was diluted to give space to a company that shone with its own light.

In 1997, a company from Forlì was incorporated and the market expanded still. In these years, many prestigious restoration works were carried out such as the works on Villa Manetti in Treviso, Villa Pliniana in Como and other works in Bologna and Turin.

In 1994, it was among the first to intervene in removing the still-smoking rubble of the Fenice Theater. Many companies in that period entered the restoration market so the company decided to go further and became a leader in restoration engineering. New technologies such as contrast poles were experimented on and during the Jubilee, it gained its first experience with the restoration of the OS2 decorative systems.

In 1991, relationships with the Archbishopric began, thanks to which work in the restoration of churches, seminaries and places of worship in general were started. Together with the works carried out for the Jubilee such as the complex of St. Apolinare Nuovo, parallel restorations of the Walls of Rocca di Riolo Terme were carried out as well. In collaboration with a team of archaeologists, excavations in Oman to be completed were sponsored together with the Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna based in Ravenna.

Throughout the first decade of the 2000s, the company committed itself to the development and renovation of Granary Deposits including Port Warehouses and Agricultural Consortiums using technologies borrowed from the infrastructural sector and cutting-edge mechanization introduced by the United States.

From the dismantling of obsolete warehouses of the Agricultural Consortiums, a real estate activity focused exclusively on lofts was born. An innovative housing typology also took inspiration from the USA and provided for the recovery and reuse of abandoned industrial spaces for residential purposes. The real estate business was suspended but with an optimistic outlook just before the outbreak of the GFC.

In those years the important work of the restoration of the Monumental Complex of the Franciscan Cloisters was achieved and which would become the ninth monument to the UNESCO heritage list.

At the end of 2008, with the huge economic crisis that struck all the construction sectors, all Corporations were downsizing the staff except EDILTECNICA that remained on its feet, because of its consortium structure. Chasing the myth of Invoicing was avoided by choosing to be guided by a regimen of sustainability of Market Economic Management. Anticipating changes, Ediltecnica engaged in research in collaboration with the University in particular with R & D, hiring interns for apprenticeships and thesis research, and engaging CNR and ENEA to establish the CERTIMAC Laboratory.

In 2009, a process of internationalization was undertaken turning the focus to Australia, Algeria, Cuba, Mozambique, Armenia, Georgia and Bulgaria. At this stage, relations with IILA were established and there was a closer collaboration with ASSORESTAURO, ICE, ISTEC, and Trieste Chemical Laboratory.

One of the attitudes most developed by EDILTECNICA was to be able to develop strategies that allowed the application of a specialization in one sector to another with great ease. Because of this strong specialization in artistic restorations, the workers that were accustomed to interventions on antiques were led to work on modern and luxury pieces, executing very fine finishing jobs.

At an Engineering level, EDILTECNICA is improving even more in drilling and injections, thus earning a leading role in seismic upgrades of historic buildings imposed by current regulations. EDILTECNICA is part of the Board that drafted the first rules of the Heritage Building Protocol of GBC. The extreme specialization in Restoration applied in a transversal way to the sector of new buildings, brings Ediltecnica to act with ease on interventions of seismic adaptations and, therefore, be competitive in the new territories of Marche, Emilia Romagna and Veneto.