The recovery of archaeological sites is another specialty in which Ediltecnica stands out. In this field, it boasts specific competences and experience, gained through findings which emerged during requalification and renovation works.
The consortium operates on a national level in the field of archaeology, for the safeguarding and valorization of heritage, both with public and private bodies, in accordance with the ministerial guidelines and provisions set by the local Archaeological Authorities, and supplies a wide range of services for the valorization and promotion of cultural and archaeological heritage with the help of professional archaeologists and topographers specializing in the different pre-protohistoric, classic, medieval and post medieval fields.
Ediltecnica operates in the field of: Preventive Archaeology, Archaeological Risk Maps, Archaeological Surveillance during the execution of the works, investigative and development archaeology, archaeological planning and design, underwater archaeology, creation of underwater and land archaeological itineraries, aero-photogrammetry and topographic surveys, IT data development and management in a GIS environment, and historical-archaeological and archive consultancy services.
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