Ediltecnica has competitively taken part in international projects and tenders, thus taking its experience and services also abroad. In 2009 Ediltecnica founded the first foreign branch in Perth, Western Australia, thus specializing in interventions on the Country’s heritage buildings, still relatively young, but already in need of renovation and specialised maintenance interventions.
After the success of the first phase in the global opening process, Ediltecnica decided to start business relationships also in other parts of the world, among which were: Western Australia, Cuba, Costa Rica and Central America, Algeria, Mozambique and South Africa, Iran, Bulgaria, Albania, Georgia and Armenia.
Since 2010 Ediltecnica has been a frontline collaborator with ICE, IILA and Assorestauro in the organization and participation of cooperation missions which aim at transmitting Italian know-how abroad. Ediltecnica has established a partnership with the main Italian universities involved with renovation and maintenance and has always been committed to collaborations even with professional schools and foreign universities.