The Ministry of Economic Development and the Oficina del Historiador of the City of Havana signed – on 27 October 2015 – the Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) for the establishment of a Center for training in restore and design, REDI CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN PARA LA RESTAURACIÓY EL DISENO. The center will hold activities and events organized by Italian and Cuban companies. The Cuban authorities have provided a building located in San Ignacio in the old part of Havana, for these purposes.
In this MoU, the Italian part of the agreement has assigned ICE-Agenzia to help the Oficina del Historiador (OHcH) for the implementation of the project. For its fulfillment, project ICE is being helped by Assorestauro, a leading company in this field, that selected Ediltecnica as the coordinator of the project. The goals of this collaboration are to obtain easier internationalization of the Italian companies and the promotion of “Made in Italy” products abroad.
Ediltecnica is actively working on the design and organization of the project, as well as taking part in every mission in Havana since its start.
As of today the first work site has already been inaugurated and the first taller (workshop) dedicated to the subject of diagnostics. After January the restoring operations will start and other talleres will follow. Inauguration of the center is scheduled for November 2017.